Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dear God, it's me (Kiki and Michelle).... We need a home.

(Enter Laura and Tracy)

But before I get to that, let me first give you the run-down on our stats before God plucked us out of the wandering wilderness:

Money- $0
Jobs- nil
Prospect of jobs- grim
Place to live- still searching
Friends- well...maybe one? That guy that runs the Deli on Broadway and 9th seems nice. He always gives us the expensive bread at no extra cost.

As you can see there wasn't exactly any data to support our claims to mom and dad that we were "doing just fine!" or "Living The Dream!"

But now as I sit from our luxury apartment with a view over looking Central Park from the Upper East Side, it's hard to imagine life any different

Soon after responding to a house-sitting gig posted in the NY Times, Michelle and I found ourselves, quite literally, in the Land of Milk and Honey, feasting on Manna from Heaven. You think I'm kidding? Check out this pic I took with my phone after opening the refrigerator:

So here we are, house sitting for Laura and Tracy while they visit their other home in San Diego. Laura is a chef at Per Se and Tracy is that woman that sells last minute rush tickets for Broadway shows, you know, the TKTS Discount Ticket Booth in Times Square...aka dream job!

The question on all of your minds is probably the same one Michelle and I ask ourselves daily:

Thank you God, Laura, and Tracy!!! -- that wasnt a question was it? ... well you get where we were trying to go.

...more details to come....

xxxxxx from NY!

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Move of Our Dreams Has HAPPENED

Dear Diary,

On the 2nd of February we packed up our lives, stuffed it into my '99 champagne colored Ford Escort, and headed for Le Big Apple.

We've got no money, no cozy apartment, and no f*ing clue what we're doing.

As Chris Farley, who was quoting a combination of Martin Luther King Jr. and Neil Armstrong once said, "That's one small step for mankind, one giant...I have a dream!"

Michelle and Kiki, being broke, recent college graduates, tied down by no one and defiant of The Man have decided to move to New York on a whim. Ahhh New York, where we currently sit typing to you from a local library on Broadway and 9th. To my left, a homeless man that smells of aged cheddar. To my right a dedicated NYU art student gazing at the street performers just outside the window. The gentle hum of the busy streets just barely audible above the snoring coming from somewhere between the Fiction and Horror sections.

If nothing else, we're using this blog to track our demise...and to let those who love us know we're safe. Michelle's got her shank, and Christine's got her guitar and together we will venture through this city, shamelessly shanking and strumming our way through life.

...more details to come....

xxxxx from NY!